2045 – the #followmetoo virus spread worldwide

5 October 2023 | Article

A strange, global trend

The year is 2045 and the world is once again in the grip of a virus. This time, not a pandemic that threatens lives, but one that disrupts our social structures: the #followmetoo virus. The phenomenon has led people to follow each other not only online but now in the physical world as well – and surprisingly, they love it.

Worldwide you see groups of people walking one after the other: those who have an appetite to follow and those who would like to be followed.

The followers and the followed

On an ordinary Tuesday morning in Amsterdam, Sara walks along the Prinsengracht. She notices that Jan, a complete stranger, is walking a few meters behind her. Jan feels an inexplicable urge to follow Sara and Sara, in turn, enjoys the attention.

“Hey, are you following me?” asks Sara.

“Yes, and I have to say, it feels good,” Jan replies.

Science faces a conundrum

Scientists are perplexed. After numerous studies, it is becoming increasingly clear that this virus has nothing to do with traditional stalking. It is a mutual, almost symbiotic relationship between the follower and the follower.

The world adapts

Cities have begun to build “follow paths” next to bike lanes and footpaths, specifically designed for this new social dynamic.

There are even ‘Follow Cafés’ where you can have a cup of coffee and then decide who you will follow next or by whom you want to be followed.

Conclusion: the new normal?

The #followmetoo virus has added a new layer to our already complex social structure. While scientists are looking for an explanation and perhaps a ‘cure’, we cannot deny that the phenomenon is now part of our daily lives.

And so the day ends for Sara and Jan, both satisfied and curious about who they will follow tomorrow – or by whom they will be followed.

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