Vision and technology
Today we focus on a series of AI-generated artworks in which the eye is central.
The title – Eye for AI – has a double meaning: the eye as a gateway to our soul and as an observer, but also the need to ‘have an eye’ for the increasingly important role of AI in our society.
The eyes as a window to the soul
The eyes have always had a mystical and artistic value. From ancient paintings to modern photography – the eye is a favorite subject for artists.
The AI-generated images accompanying this blog post take this theme to a new level. The complexity and richness of color that AI can bring to the representation of the eye are nothing short of surprising.
AI as an observer
But the eye in this series is not just a passive object. It also serves as a metaphor for AI itself.
Just as an eye perceives the world, so does AI in its own unique way. And just like the eye that transmits information to the brain, AI offers us new insights through data analysis and data interpretation.
An eye for AI in our society
It is undeniable (anymore): AI is everywhere and penetrates deeper and deeper into our daily lives.
From algorithms that drive our social media to medical applications that can save lives.
It is therefore crucial to have an ‘eye for AI’; to understand the opportunities and challenges that this technology poses.
The series of AI-generated images below with the eye as a focus is not only developed from the point of view of creativity.
It raises questions about how we look and are perceived ourselves, both literally and figuratively. And it makes us think about the role of AI in our society, a theme that we can certainly no longer ignore.
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