Cross-pollinations V – changes in our lives

20 July 2023 | Cross pollinations

The Cross-pollination series brings together an unconventional approach to art and technology. Rather than presenting art solely as the result of human insight, each post in this series (but basically all works on this website) shows how works of art can emerge from the interaction between human creativity and AI.

Each post in this series showcases a number of artworks generated by advanced AI art generators. But … each creation is a “cross-pollination” of a text prompt devised by me – often in conjunction with ChatGPT – and an earlier illustration also created using an art-generator.

The text prompt (input for AI art generator) for the works below:

AI has already drastically changed the way we live and work, and it will continue to do so continuously. Artificial Intelligence will continue to amaze us with its increasing capabilities and with the impact it has on our daily lives.

Full-screen slideshow? Click on an image!

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