Fear and sadness

26 October 2023 | Article

Fear and Sadness: AI Portraits of Collective Suffering

The portraits below this message speak volumes: anxious eyes, worried frowns and tears that represent the heaviness of their daily existence.

These digital creations, generated by an AI image generator, don’t just show emotions; They symbolize the collective suffering and fear that millions of people experience every day.

The women behind the faces

Grandmothers, mothers, wives, girlfriends – their fears are often universal.

They struggle with existential questions: Are my children safe? How do I get food and a safe haven? Will we survive this war? Will my partner return alive from the front? When will the war end?

These portraits invite us to reflect on these urgent issues.

Technology as a mirror of human existence

It is stunning and at the same time staggering how artificial intelligence is now able to portray such complex human emotions.

But there’s a question that lingers: Does AI really care about the suffering it depicts, or is it just a human-led tool to create consciousness?

Ethics and responsibility

There is a delicate balance between using AI for art and exploiting serious humanitarian situations.

We should therefore not lose sight of ethical considerations when discussing these works.


The “Fear and Sadness” series does more than just show; It calls for action and awareness.

While we recognize the power of AI to represent these terrifying realities, we must also ask ourselves what our own role is in addressing these urgent humane issues.

It’s not a matter of taking sides; It is ultimately a matter of choosing peace or war, oppression or freedom, inhumanity or humanity, civilization or uncivility, poverty or fair distribution, unreasonableness or reason.

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