This Intermezzo is about the song Steal Away and the war Russia is waging with the Ukraine.
Steal Away was composed 40 years ago by Phil Coulter about his dream of escaping the serious problems in Northern Ireland.
He recently released a new version in collaboration with Julia Boyko who adapted the song, had it translated into Ukrainian and assembled a choir of Ukrainian refugees in Ireland.
On August 22 of this year (2023), the song was officially launched. The song, which is about escaping violence and making a new beginning, took on a new meaning for the Ukrainian community. A brilliant performance by Phil Coulter and the Ukrainian Choir.
I created the works below with a lyric prompt adapted to the song and generated them together with DreamStudio. The atmosphere that I gave AI has been translated into the gloomy mood as a result of the war with Russia, the large number of soldiers killed, but also civilians and the enormous pressure that all Ukrainians experience almost daily.
On the other hand, the colourful illustrations represent the extremely strong bond that binds the Ukrainian people together and the endless optimism that Ukraine is independent, will continue to fight for it and that the future will eventually bring complete freedom, self-determination and prosperity again.
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