Mythical horses in Venice

25 September 2023 | Article

Horses of pixels and code

Along the canals and the beautiful facades of Venice move horses of unprecedented beauty, of a different order. With moons shimmering like stardust and eyes matching the depth of the ocean, they move around in this timeless city.

They are not flesh and blood, but pixels and code, born of an AI horse breeding, inspired by a series of text prompts from me and an AI art generator.

Old friends

These animals transcend the banality of their digital origin; They are as mythical as the city they traverse.

They appear in Piazza San Marco, disrupt a gondola ride with their majestic presence, and gallop along the Rialto Bridge as if it were the rainbow bridge to Asgard.

The Venetians look up, first with amazement and then with a kind of grateful smile, as if the city, which has already seen so many wonders, has welcomed them as old friends.

Magic of artificial intelligence

Venice, with its masks and reflections, is not a backdrop for these horses but a home – a place where the digital and the reality, the earthly and the miraculous come together in an unexpected but perfect harmony.

Thanks to the magic of artificial intelligence and the creativity it produces, we have been able to catch a glimpse of these enchanting creatures. They remind us that even in the most unlikely worlds, beauty and imagination know no bounds.

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